Thursday, July 29, 2004

primary document

Dep: Providence 1.42PM (there hasn't been a whole lot of looting)
given that the pure new england air
has grimed my window such
that it's like a Monet out there,
or all the Monets, whizzing
and maybe he put some gray buildings
in there, we don't really know

in here its fifty-five (on the other hand, it was fucking freezing)
i'm leaning on a sack of clean unfolded laundry
listening to white noise (the band)
on my incredible Portable Oudio Device.
someone apparently put out a cigarette
on a wad of discarded gum
placed directly in the center
of the no smoking sign.

i lightly probed my academic future today
(someone on TV said something about going underground)
envisioned life under the tutelage of
polite old women who think radical thoughts
i could recommend a nice tea just down the street
and we'd watch a film about rape

Personal Space Suits, i'll make millions
retire before even having a career (i guess we'd better start digging)
make a beautiful film, docudrama
about a single sea turtle, with
stunning cinematography and
absolute disregard for all other sea turtles
save my lovely chosen one.

i know i'm not very interesting
but like i said, the grime restricts all
focus to the grime itself,
outside is all smudge blur impossible horizon
and the train's got this tilt to it
that won't let me think let alone...


well.. what have i got...
the fountain of dirt,
higher test scores guaranteed,
long straight hair right in front of me,
smells like cinnamon and orange peels
(re: that smell--direct thievery,
  junior high, young adult section, either
R.L. Stein or Christopher Pike
now come to live [fr yr entrtnmnt] Thank You very much)
----my whole life in those brackets--
----not alone on this one,------------
----can't forget how to think,--------
---------we never learned how------

i'm crawling up your leg, to the thorax
r.w. emerson on a frisbee keeps pace, shouting
"This disc is merely one circle upon which
I ride beside you; I lived one all around you.
Trace the circumference and begin building
your own." No thanks, I nod, I am hungry
but I just ate lunch with my mother.


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