Sunday, December 21, 2003

anyhow, i thought i'd tell you nothing about everything--
unnecessity is the mother of pretension.

false eyelashes on fingernails,
a lipstick smile round my sphincter,
a fuzzy sweater to hide my neck.

leave reality for the real world,

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

i am finding gargoyles in my soup with increasing frequency.

thin air----inhumid--left face has leak of the eye-----life half out of focus--

rogue plastic scientists are exploring the field of refining looks thru DNA--you can pass it on to your kids! experts expect beautiful catastrophe.

ideals were never real anyway.

you're not truly--oh, you are. let's see. art is schizophrenia, lying, elitism, dirty intellectual pretension of humorless fuckers with eyeglasses.

consume all experience: manufactured dreamboat love millionaire idol worship trip to the state of narcissus electronicus MAXIMUS, baBY! to the extreme! caffiene and cream, chug! latent intoxicational broadcast bottled tubed refined and aligned for pleasure! total happies! elapsed mental hygeine process placement crossover promotional strategy; latitude of no-losers-allowed crowd following. the pill is power.

at least i'M and americaN!!! i don't eat the dirt of liberty like some slanty-eyed towel wearing tequila swilling darkie vacuum pusher. OUUUUURR Democracy is so fucking amazing i don't even have to vote. completely automated machines need no inspection from the citizenry.

my dreams are peaceful nothing.

false confidence---------still confidence--can't lose lotterylotterylottery-----life is chance, right? Oh Lord Of Holy Numbers, free me from Job and All Struggle Worry Work! bestow fine things upon my fruitless consumerism! Capital I so faithful to capitalist eyes, weep imaginary diamonds, dollarbill handkerchief, gold leaf bin, silk airsickness bag, private plane not yet landed.

I want stained glass green eyes hybrid infrared xray Examinator adapter with Mind Controlled Recording Capability, wired for synchronous internet broadcast. the world must know via direct electronic precision.
a thousand shiny heads

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