Friday, November 21, 2003

"Lilium tigrinum can only grow on perfectly even ground, ideally the fine sand of a beach. Her laterality is at once gauche and inferior, her amorous thoughts underline the striking homology of the Serpent and hemlock. Her pulse is feeble, her nails are blue, she usually lies on her back, head thrown back, eyes closed. When she emerges from her moral torpor and reopens her eyes, she strikes down all who surrounded her with their wily indifference. Where the separation of human beings according to the violence of their desire meets the black secrets of spagyric*, the gaze of this woman--whose rare incarnations still guide us toward precipices of velvet--stamps love with its unalterable call."

-- romanian surrealist group, "Malombra, aura of absolute love" in paul hammond, "the shadow & its shadow: surrealist writings on the cinema)
*[The spagyric: alchemical methods of producing transmutations, mainly into gold or silver. --Trans.]

Saturday, November 15, 2003

hell is just a word.
they found it in the bible,
under a sacred rock, or
lurking in the gap between
fuel and flame
in the burning bush.

a conceptual bogeyman,
like most bogeymen i know,
or know OF, i should say.

and i think sometimes
if i ever saw the horned beast,
you know,
from the prophecies,
i'd just laugh
because ten horns
is an awful lot.

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